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Around 2020, I started working on some personal body impressions, it's an ongoing pratice that explores my self-reflective journey. Each piece features a body imprint, sometimes in metallic gold and other times in vibrant hot pinks and blues, overlaid with black resin ties. Sometimes I work with the original imprint, other times I supersize it, so visiually the piece is more imposing.

The body imprint in these early impressions is my own—a blend of genetic predisposition and years of dancing, gave me a pretty athletic physique. You could say my physique conforms to 'Western beauty standards', small, low body fat etc. You could look at me and think 'this is the exact shit that has been shoved down our throats for so many years!' but the black ties overlayed reveals a darker undercurrent....

Dissatisfaction, self loathing and constant comparison.

I was never happy with my body, always striving to change what I had...always in the gym, always cutting food groups, always wanting to control and punish.

The black resin laces symbolise this control, the feeling of being trapped and held back by my own beliefs and societal expectations. These ties represent the mental chains that kept me imprisoned, preventing me from feeling free.

Working as an exotic dancer slowly released these ties. The experience of dancing naked and being among a diverse group of women of all body shapes and sizes normalized my own ideas about my body. It was through this exposure to the beauty of diversity that I began to appreciate my own form, recognising the strength and uniqueness that had always been there.

No matter what shape or size we are, dissatisfaction can exsist because true happiness and beauty are not external—they are found inside. When we challenge and expose the falsehoods and conditioned beliefs we hold about ourselves and the world, we can liberate ourselves from societal expectations rather than striving to meet ridculous beauty standards. This is what I believe true beauty is.

True Beauty is freedom from everything that hinders and holds you back. because when you are liberated from the inside out, you naturally start to glow from the inisde out!

These paintings are bold and unapologetic, defying conventional commercial appeal. Their potency lies in the message they carry. Whether rendered in metallic gold or vibrant colors, the body represents the potential and inherent beauty that is ready to be fully revealed once the black ties are loosened and the self-imposed chains are broken.

Through this collection, I aim to convey the struggle and eventual liberation that comes from breaking free of these constraints. It is a call to embrace our true selves, to recognize and celebrate the beauty that lies within, and to unshackle our potential from the confines of unrealistic standards and self-doubt.

This is why I find such joy in working with women, guiding them to create their own body impressions as an act of self-love.

This process offers a unique perspective on their bodies, inviting them to appreciate their individual beauty and strength while fostering deeper self-acceptance and empowerment through art.

I am always encouraging women and men, to cover themselves in paint and create their own body impressions, there is so much beauty in the process, and I love hearing about your own experiences after you make them.

To make it even easier yo can buy a body impression kit straight from my website! so theres no excuses!

thanks for reading, your support and love for what i do means the world!

all my love,

Beth x x x


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